One of my favorite things to do in the heat of the summer (besides swim in our pool!) is decluttering! My thought is: if we aren't using it, why are we keeping it? That's where Christ Cupboard our local food pantry comes in!
Not only do the volunteers distribute food, there are clothing & household goods to share!
Things Christ Cupboard can use: plastic grocery bags, towels & sheets (new or gently used), in season clothing, dishes, cups, silverware, peanut butter, cereal, canned goods. They can also always use more volunteers & financial donations.
Just remember, only donate items that are new or gently used. Those ratty towels make great rags at YOUR house!
Drop off items every Friday from 10am - 12pm.
If you would like to volunteer at Christ Cupboard, contact Mary Rold 623-5039.
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