It's that time of year again! Wednesday March 5th is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Lent is the 40 days before Easter (minus Sundays). Lent is a time of repentance and preparation. In his article "3 Reasons We Should Keep Lent", Reverend Canon John speaks of three preparations:
First, Lent is a preparation for Easter, the most exciting and triumphant day in the church calendar. Christ has destroyed sin and death through His death and resurrection. In the forty days of Lent, we have the gift taking time to build up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. During this time, we can (and should) prayerfully ponder our need to be saved by God. Lent reminds us of the universal problem to which only Easter's message of the death and resurrection of Jesus can provide the answer.
Second, Lent is a preparation for Existence. Rev. J John says, "We live in an age that knows little of restraint. We overeat, overdrink, overspend and generally overindulge. It is almost considered a right that if we want something, we should have it now. Unfortunately, this lack of restraint leads to all sorts of problems, and psychologists point out that the ability to wait for something we want rather than seize it immediately - what they call 'deferred gratification' - is an extraordinarily positive attitude linked to academic success as well as physical and psychological health."
Paul speaks of restraint in his letter to Titus: 'For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives' (Titus 2:11,12). Lent gives us the opportunity to practice resisting our desires. Giving up chocolate or tv for 40 days may help us win a war over more important matters in our lives.
Third, Lent is a preparation for Eternity. "If we take Lent seriously, then these 40 days can seem to be a long and often wearying season where we never get our own way. Here, for a time, we find pleasures sidelined and joys postponed. But Lent is limited and the shadows of the season are destroyed with the joyful triumphant dawn of Easter Day. Here there is a splendid and encouraging parallel with our lives. For many of us, life seems to run in what we might call 'Lent mode': hopes are unfulfilled, desires are frustrated and joys fall short of expectations." Yet we have hope. No matter what shadow or sadness comes into our life, one day we will have unending joy!
How will you spend Lent this year? I invite you to join us in worship Ash Wednesday March 5th at 7pm. Come and join us during Lent for our sermon series Meeting Jesus at the Table. Pick up a Lent devotional booklet. Share one with a friend. Invite someone to join you for Sunday morning worship.
I urge you - spend this Lent time wisely, growing closer to our Lord. Be blessed this Lent and bless others!
In Christ's ministry together ~ Pastor Caryn
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