How is YOUR faith in Jesus?


Red Oak Presbyterian Church Sunday - Sunday School - 9AM Worship Service 10:30AM

by: Pastor Caryn Pedersen



This year is flying by fast! Often people wait and make New Year's Resolutions, but why wait? We are at the beginning of a new school year. What about ALL of us, kids and adults alike, taking some time for a check in? How is YOUR faith in Jesus Christ?

I found some information about taking a faith evaluation on the Torrance Church of Christ website. "Taking the time to deliberate on your faith is imperative for your spiritual well-being and growth. Consistently evaluating your faith offers you the opportunity to really get to know and understand where you stand as a Christian. It can provide insight into where you stand solidly in your beliefs and relationship with God. Conversely, you will be able to see areas that are lacking, and are in need of focus and polishing up. Moreover, reflecting on your faith affords you the freedom to exercise awareness, allowing you to better take notice of God's presence in your daily life."

This church has a list of 135 questions to regularly ask yourself. I've chosen some of my favorites. I want to encourage YOU to answer these questions honestly. For me, my relationship with Jesus Christ is THE most important thing in my life. I long to grow closer and closer to Him.

1. Would I be disappointed in someone else for behaving in a manner that I behave?

2. Why do I follow Christ?

3. Do I think all sins are equal or are some worse than others?

4. Are there times I feel undeserving of God's love?

5. Is there anybody I have not forgiven?

6. Am I comfortable praying out loud?

7. Is my faith a component of my personality?

8. Why does God want a relationship with me?

9. Do I always turn to God for help?

10. What role does the Bible play in my life?

11. Am I the same person around others as I am by myself?

12. What is my purpose in this life?

13. Do I strive to be more Christlike every day?

If you'd like to see the rest of the questions, check out the website

As your pastor, I am always here to listen and to help you grow in your relationship with Christ. Call or stop by the office if you'd like to chat about these questions.

In Christ's ministry ~ Pastor Caryn

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This year is flying by fast! Often people wait and make New Year's Resolutions, but why wait? We are at the beginning of a new school year. What about ALL of us, kids and adults alike, taking some time for a check in? How is YOUR faith in Jesus Christ?

I found some information about taking a faith evaluation on the Torrance Church of Christ website. "Taking the time to deliberate on your faith is imperative for your spiritual well-being and growth. Consistently evaluating your faith offers you the opportunity to really get to know and understand where you stand as a Christian. It can provide insight into where you stand solidly in your beliefs and relationship with God. Conversely, you will be able to see areas that are lacking, and are in need of focus and polishing up. Moreover, reflecting on your faith affords you the freedom to exercise awareness, allowing you to better take notice of God's presence in your daily life."

This church has a list of 135 questions to regularly ask yourself. I've chosen some of my favorites. I want to encourage YOU to answer these questions honestly. For me, my relationship with Jesus Christ is THE most important thing in my life. I long to grow closer and closer to Him.

1. Would I be disappointed in someone else for behaving in a manner that I behave?

2. Why do I follow Christ?

3. Do I think all sins are equal or are some worse than others?

4. Are there times I feel undeserving of God's love?

5. Is there anybody I have not forgiven?

6. Am I comfortable praying out loud?

7. Is my faith a component of my personality?

8. Why does God want a relationship with me?

9. Do I always turn to God for help?

10. What role does the Bible play in my life?

11. Am I the same person around others as I am by myself?

12. What is my purpose in this life?

13. Do I strive to be more Christlike every day?

If you'd like to see the rest of the questions, check out the website

As your pastor, I am always here to listen and to help you grow in your relationship with Christ. Call or stop by the office if you'd like to chat about these questions.

In Christ's ministry ~ Pastor Caryn

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