God's Amazing Grace: The Blind Man


Red Oak Presbyterian Church Sunday - 10:30AM Worship Service

by: Pastor Caryn Pedersen



In honor of the 250th anniversary of the writing of "Amazing Grace", we are spending this Lent focusing on God's Amazing Grace!

Those in the Bible who experienced the amazing grace of God help us each week to realize that though we once were lost in sin, we now have been found by Jesus, and though we once were blind to God's mercy, we now can see His love at work in us through our Savior's death and resurrection.

The first Biblical person we studied is Isaiah of Babylon. We see God's amazing grace at work in the life of the prophet Isaiah, who proclaimed to God's people the salvation that was to come through the Suffering Servant. In the second week we got a two-fer: two sons in need of God's Amazing Grace.

This week we take a look at The Blind Man. How can we relate to the blind man? How are we blind to our own sins?  How can we open our eyes to see God's Amazing Grace?

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

that saved a wretch like me, 

I once was lost but now am found,

was blind but now I see.

Our readings for this week: John 9

Plan to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. or go to our FB page to link to Youtube live on Sunday mornings or anytime on our website redoakpresbyterianchurch.com

Questions to Ponder:

1. This is a question we will continue to discuss during this sermon series: How would you define the amazing grace of God?

2. Why did the disciples ask Jesus, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents" (John 9:2)

3. The disciples were blind to the needs of the man born blind. When do we make critical judgements about other people's struggles in life?

4. When has God opened your eyes so you can see the sin in your life? In what ways are you blind to your own sins?

5. What was in the "clay" (John 9:6) Jesus put on the blind man's eyes? Why would He put that in the blind man's eyes?

6. When and how are we blind to the needs of others around us?

7. When the healed blind man is called in for the second time to tell what happened, does he back down? What is his demeanor before the religious leaders? What is remarkable about that?

8. Has fear ever held you back? How can you put your trust in Jesus Christ, who casts out all fear?

9. Lent is a time for us to confess the truth of our blindness and fear. Write or speak a prayer to Jesus about this.

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In honor of the 250th anniversary of the writing of "Amazing Grace", we are spending this Lent focusing on God's Amazing Grace!

Those in the Bible who experienced the amazing grace of God help us each week to realize that though we once were lost in sin, we now have been found by Jesus, and though we once were blind to God's mercy, we now can see His love at work in us through our Savior's death and resurrection.

The first Biblical person we studied is Isaiah of Babylon. We see God's amazing grace at work in the life of the prophet Isaiah, who proclaimed to God's people the salvation that was to come through the Suffering Servant. In the second week we got a two-fer: two sons in need of God's Amazing Grace.

This week we take a look at The Blind Man. How can we relate to the blind man? How are we blind to our own sins?  How can we open our eyes to see God's Amazing Grace?

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

that saved a wretch like me, 

I once was lost but now am found,

was blind but now I see.

Our readings for this week: John 9

Plan to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. or go to our FB page to link to Youtube live on Sunday mornings or anytime on our website redoakpresbyterianchurch.com

Questions to Ponder:

1. This is a question we will continue to discuss during this sermon series: How would you define the amazing grace of God?

2. Why did the disciples ask Jesus, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents" (John 9:2)

3. The disciples were blind to the needs of the man born blind. When do we make critical judgements about other people's struggles in life?

4. When has God opened your eyes so you can see the sin in your life? In what ways are you blind to your own sins?

5. What was in the "clay" (John 9:6) Jesus put on the blind man's eyes? Why would He put that in the blind man's eyes?

6. When and how are we blind to the needs of others around us?

7. When the healed blind man is called in for the second time to tell what happened, does he back down? What is his demeanor before the religious leaders? What is remarkable about that?

8. Has fear ever held you back? How can you put your trust in Jesus Christ, who casts out all fear?

9. Lent is a time for us to confess the truth of our blindness and fear. Write or speak a prayer to Jesus about this.

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