"Simeon: A Song of Hope"


Red Oak Presbyterian Church Sunday - 10:30AM Worship Service

by: Pastor Caryn Pedersen



As familiar as we are with the songs of Christmas, there are four songs recorded in the Bible sung by people surrounding the birth of Jesus that aren't sung much at all now. Zechariah's song came after a time of silence. The angels sang a song to the shepherds (we know part of their song: "And on earth peace and goodwill toward men."). Mary sang a song to God after she had time to get over the shocking news that she was going to be the mother of the Savior.

For our final week, we are studying Simeon, a good man who tried hard to follow God's law, who was waiting for something important for a long, long time. Although he was very old, he hung in there for one reason: he believed God had told him he would not die before he had seen the Savior - the Messiah of Israel!

Our readings for this week: Isaiah 7:10-16; Luke 2:25-35

Plan to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 am or go to our FB page to link to Youtube live on Sunday mornings or anytime on our website redoakpresbyterianchurch.com

Questions to Ponder:

1. How are you at waiting? How are you at waiting for Christmas?

2. What can we learn about Simeon? What has he been hoping and waiting for? What promise has he been given?

3. What do people long for today? How does this affect their lives?

4. Does the Holy Spirit guide people today? How?

5. How do you define hope? Where does your hope come from?

6. Pastor Caryn says, "In my life, God has taught me I choose how to wait. Will I use the time for God's glory and my good? Or will I spend the time hoping for things to be different?" When you experience times of waiting in your life, how do you choose to wait?

7. In Luke 2, Simeon speaks about God's plan including Israel AND the Gentiles. God often (always!) has a far bigger plan than we might imagine for us and our world. How can you allow God to work in your own life in His ways and in His time?

8. Are you waiting for something this Christmas season? Pray God will answer in His own time and way!

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As familiar as we are with the songs of Christmas, there are four songs recorded in the Bible sung by people surrounding the birth of Jesus that aren't sung much at all now. Zechariah's song came after a time of silence. The angels sang a song to the shepherds (we know part of their song: "And on earth peace and goodwill toward men."). Mary sang a song to God after she had time to get over the shocking news that she was going to be the mother of the Savior.

For our final week, we are studying Simeon, a good man who tried hard to follow God's law, who was waiting for something important for a long, long time. Although he was very old, he hung in there for one reason: he believed God had told him he would not die before he had seen the Savior - the Messiah of Israel!

Our readings for this week: Isaiah 7:10-16; Luke 2:25-35

Plan to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 am or go to our FB page to link to Youtube live on Sunday mornings or anytime on our website redoakpresbyterianchurch.com

Questions to Ponder:

1. How are you at waiting? How are you at waiting for Christmas?

2. What can we learn about Simeon? What has he been hoping and waiting for? What promise has he been given?

3. What do people long for today? How does this affect their lives?

4. Does the Holy Spirit guide people today? How?

5. How do you define hope? Where does your hope come from?

6. Pastor Caryn says, "In my life, God has taught me I choose how to wait. Will I use the time for God's glory and my good? Or will I spend the time hoping for things to be different?" When you experience times of waiting in your life, how do you choose to wait?

7. In Luke 2, Simeon speaks about God's plan including Israel AND the Gentiles. God often (always!) has a far bigger plan than we might imagine for us and our world. How can you allow God to work in your own life in His ways and in His time?

8. Are you waiting for something this Christmas season? Pray God will answer in His own time and way!

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